Camel Pose — Ustrasana (ooh-STRAHS-uh-nuh) — is a backbend that stretches the whole front of the body. It is performed on the knees and is often used as preparation for deeper backbends. This pose is a popular component of Vinyasa and Power Yoga classes

Its name comes from the Sanskrit words “ustra” (meaning “camel”) and “asana” (meaning “pose”). Practicing Ustrasana daily can be a great way to relieve neck and back pain caused by slouching in front of a computer or driving.


1. Ustrasana stretches chest, abdomen, quadriceps, and hip flexors.
2. Improves spinal flexibility; strengthens shoulders and back muscles, thighs and arms; tones organs of abdomen, pelvis and neck; reduces fat on thighs; loosens up the vertebrate; opens up the hips; and improves posture.
3. Energizes the body, reduces anxiety and fatigue.
4. Stimulates endocrine glands, kidneys and digestive system stretching the abdomen and also curse constipation.
5. Stimulates and improves respiratory and nervous systems by proper blood circulation.
6. Activates thyroid glands.
7. Ustrasana helps to heal and balance the chakras.

Contraindications and Cautions of Camel Pose

  1. Avoid or modify by not going as deeply into the pose if you feel any pinching or pain in your low back.
  2. Avoid or modify if you have any shoulder pain, shoulder arthritis, or shoulder injuries.
  3. Avoid or modify if you have any back pain or injuries, including surgeries.
  4. For most, it is best not to drop your head back in this pose, particularly if you have a neck injury or are at risk for stroke. Instead, lift your chin slightly and use your neck muscles to stabilize your head in place.
  5. If you are pregnant, ease off, and be cautious not to stretch your abdominals too much—especially during the third trimester—to prevent tearing the abdominal wall.
  6. Don’t force your body into the pose; instead, move slowly and mindfully in and out of the pose.
  7. If you have any pain with the pose or other limitations, try pose variations and modifications, or visualize doing the full expression of the pose in any position. Always ask your health care team if you are unsure of what you can and cannot do with your particular health concerns. Also, seek a qualified yoga instructor or yoga therapist to help you individually adapt the pose for safety.

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